A Pucci dress, which is always summer, a dinner with friends, a breathtaking sunset and lots of fun ... ... Here's how I spent my August 15! Un vestito di Pucci, che fa sempre estate, una cena con gli amici, un tramonto mozzafiato e tanto divertimento ... ... Ecco come ho trascorso il mio Ferragosto!   EMILIO PUCCI DRESS DIOR SUNGLASSES … (read more)


  It 's been almost a year after the last time I was here and I must say that this part of Punta Ala, it seems each time more beautiful and more suggestive. Do you remember the post of last year when I was here? Think about how many things have changed and how (let me say please) have improved me as a blogger and Riccardo as a photographer! And if … (read more)


  The summer is officially started! And with this terrible hot the desire of beach and sea is becoming more alive ♥_♥ Have a nice day   L' estate è ufficialmente iniziata! E con questo caldo bestiale la voglia di spiaggia e di mare si fa sempre più viva ♥_♥ Buona giornata   NO BRAND SHIRT TERRANOVA SKIRT ZARA SHOES VINTAGE RING … (read more)


New purchases, gifts and creations. ... One of my best friend, Anna Chiara, returning from London, gave to me the singlet printed with the american flag, one of the things that I wanted for a long time. It' s just like looking for: discolored and especially with the large flag in front ... I couldn't find it anywhere. I love it! ... very Balmain! :D … (read more)