I love wearing long dresses, especially in summer, but each time I' m always hesitant to wear them, because I feel a little observed. But in these days of terrible hot I have not listened to my concern about it and I wore this maxi red dress taken on Forever21, by the very soft lines. With my clucth bought in Holland, a comfortable pair of espadrillas … (read more)


  A Pucci dress, which is always summer, a dinner with friends, a breathtaking sunset and lots of fun ... ... Here's how I spent my August 15! Un vestito di Pucci, che fa sempre estate, una cena con gli amici, un tramonto mozzafiato e tanto divertimento ... ... Ecco come ho trascorso il mio Ferragosto!   EMILIO PUCCI DRESS DIOR SUNGLASSES … (read more)


An happy hour to the sunset in the suggestive Punta Ala's port, that it seems to me every time more beautiful, in the company of Riccardo and my friends. A simple yellow dress,the gold sandals, the (by now) inevitable turquoise bracelets (appreciated gift of Jalousie Bijoux, as well as the ring) and a coral lipstick create this simple outfit. With the sun and the … (read more)


  What is the worst thing for a blogger? Well, of course the rain, that makes everything more complicated! I assure you that best shots of these were really impossible to do considering the amount of rain that it fell in this days … however I hope you like them! :) I take the opportunity to thank everyone for the birthday wishes that you sent me ... … (read more)