Se c’ è un trend che non passa mai di moda, almeno per me, è il total denim. Mi piace da sempre e non mi stanca mai. In primavera poi, è perfetto praticamente sempre. D’inverno, lo è ancora di più. Con un cappotto color cammello poi diventa ancora più bello. Abbinateci una camicia bianca del vostro lui e il risultato vi sorprenderà. I giusti accessori infine … (read more)


Here are the first photos taken in Livigno, where I was guest of LungoLivigno to attend to the opening of "Art in Ice: Il Terzo Paradiso di Michelangelo Pistoletto e Cittadellarte" and to opening the great boutique" Da Giuseppina 1941 Woman ", designed by Studio Baciocchi e Associati. For the first day I wore my new Woolrich down jacket, ideal to withstand low winter … (read more)


I like to play and experiment with clothes, but not excessively so. I like to combine classic and evergreens items, such as the Burberry trench coat, and the other purely fashionable, like the patched jeans. A look elegant but casual, fashion but not too much. The highlight is definitely the trench coat, but also the jeans play its part. What else? I love this … (read more)


  There are days when I don't want to dress me, put makeup on me, fix my hair and much more, especially when I have to pass the whole day on the books. In these cases, I take the first things I find in the closet and I wear them without thinking much: jumper, velvet jacket, boyfriend and sneakers. That's just one of those looks I use in my everyday life, when I … (read more)