Hello girls! How was your weekend? My own good, I celebrated six years of engagement with my Riccardo with a dinner of sushi (yes, I know, is not new :D). I also wandered a bit to find a little something for sales, but for now, still nothing. I believe at the end I will purchase something on sale from Zara! In this outfit you can see the look I have … (read more)


  Now you have understood that I am totally in love with the slippers. I like them, I always like them... for the day with leggings or jeans, for the night with minidress or skirt. These slippers  in particular are by Fabio Rusconi and I decided to match them to a camouflage shirt, faux fur vest and leggings. Let me know as always your opinions, a … (read more)


  Here's a look that I love ... Mini + All Star! Too bad that I have not noticed that I had the jacket hooked hurt for all day and only checking the photos I 've noticed it! :s     Ecco un look che adoro … Mini + All Star! Peccato solo che non mi sia accorta di aver avuto la giacca agganciata male per tutto il giorno e solamente riguardando le … (read more)


Today begins the fashion week in Milan and this is the look that I decided to wear for my first day... If only I could join! :(As I mentioned, unfortunately I can’t enjoy this Milan fashion week, I'll be content to see the new trends and the shows from magazines or on the web directly from my own home! SADNESS!!At the end of the post you will find the winner of the … (read more)