Classic Large Deluxe, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, Bags
Good Sunday girls!
Today I want to introduce you Vlieger & Vandam!
Vlieger & Vandam was founded in 2004 by Dutch design couple Carolien Vlieger and Hein van Dam. Their respective disciplines, graphic design and 3D design, meet in perfect symbiosis applied to their highly original fashion accessories.
Vlieger & Vandam developed a process for embossing three-dimensional shapes in leather; a traditional hat makers machine was transformed for the purpose of embossing the leather panels of their well-known Guardian Angel bags.
The Guardian Angel bags narrate of the increasing violence and crime in the media, objectifying our addiction to fear. The first series of Guardian Angel bags were an instant hit in the media and in 2005 the MoMA Museum of Modern Art in New York included a Guardian Angel bag in their exhibition “Safe, Design Takes On Risk”. In 2006 MoMA added a Guardian Angel bag to its permanent collection.
Vlieger & Vandam products are now sold worldwide in selected boutiques, in department stores and on their e-commerce at: www.vliegervandam.com
Buona domenica ragazze! 
Oggi voglio presentarvi Vlieger & Vandam!
Vlieger & Vandam  nasce nel 2004 dalle menti di Carolien Vlieger e Hein van Dam, due design di origini olandesi. Le loro rispettive discipline, grafic design e 3D design, si incontrano in perfetta simbiosi andando a creare accessori davvero molto originali.
Vlieger & Vandam hanno sviluppato un processo di stampa in rilievo di forme tridimensionali sulla pelle; una tradizionale macchina per cappelli è stata trasformata al fine di stampare in rilievo nei pannelli in pelle delle loro Guardian Angel bags.
La prima linea di borse Guardian Angl ha avuto un successo talmente immediato tanto che nel 2005 il MoMA Museum of Modern Art di New York ha incluso una delle loro creazioni nella loro mostra “Safe, Design Takes On Risk”.
Gli accessori Vlieger & Vandam sono venduti in tutto il mondo nelle boutique selezionate, in alucni grandi magazzini e nel e-commerce all’indirizzo: www.vliegervandam.com

Clutch Gun, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagsClutch Gun, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagClutch Gun, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagClutch Handcuffs, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagClutch Handcuffs, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagClutch Knife, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagClutch Knife, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagSoft Large Gun Black, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagSoft Large Gun Grey, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagSoft Large Gun, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, BagiPad Case Gun, Vlieger & Vandam, Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel Bags, V & V, Bag