Throwback ai giorni di Pitti. Eccomi qua scattata dal mio caro amico e fotografo Manuel Bifari, di Pescara Loves Fashion. Il look? In stile maschile per rispecchiare a pieno il mood di Pitti. Throwback to Pitti Immagine Uomo. Here I am taken by my friend and photographer Manuel Bifari, from Pescara Loves Fashion. The look? In masculine style to fully reflect … (read more)


After a week spent at home due the sickness, on the weekend I gone out. I finally wore the furry fur that reminds me so much the winter, matched with my favorite mix, the total black. Some accessory that revives the whole look, delicate but precious, like the necklace with the initial of my name and the colorful bangles of Sodini. 'Cause we like the essential. … (read more)


  Hello girls! How was your weekend? My own good, I celebrated six years of engagement with my Riccardo with a dinner of sushi (yes, I know, is not new :D). I also wandered a bit to find a little something for sales, but for now, still nothing. I believe at the end I will purchase something on sale from Zara! In this outfit you can see the look I have … (read more)


  Hello girls! Here I am again, after a weekend spent with my boyfriend around the shops to make the first Christmas gifts. Cold, frost and a few flakes of snow are not missed so I took the opportunity to wear the fur vest, bought ​​last year by Sisley. I also wore the new True Religion shirt jeans, which I love! I really like its nuances!! What do you … (read more)